We began our study of The book of Acts today. As I said in class, I want to "Teach you to fish" rather than just "Giving you a fish". Nothing will change your life more than you reading and studying God's Word on your own. When you read this week, use an Inductive Method to study the bible. FIRST PRAY, then read the passage while asking the following questions and take some notes.
What is the setting/the context? (when is this taking place, who is speaking?) What is going on in the passage? (the facts, the outcome, the circumstances) How can I apply this to my life? (the Holy Spirit at work in YOUR life)
An inductive study relies on you reading the passage and allowing God's Word and the Holy Spirit to speak to you.
I have found this type of study to provide the deepest and life-long change to my Christian walk.
I have used study bibles and recommended the NASB Life Application Study Bible for anyone wanting a good bible. (ps,Geek Alert... I like hardback bibles because the pages are thicker and it feels like a textbook) A warning is needed with using study bibles....I found in the past, a quick commentary at the bottom of the page is often all I would take away from the passage. "Microwaved Theology" is lacking in real flavor. Significant change generally requires looking at the scripture more intently and more prayer. Once I have used an Inductive method, I also often read longer commentaries on the passage to go deeper, especially in the context...the background and customs.
I am praying for you! Ken
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:16.