Sunday, August 10, 2008

Inductive Study of ACTS

We began a 7 week study of Acts this Sunday. Acts is fast moving account of the first 30 years of the early church. Once you gain insight into Acts, the entire New Testament will be much more clear.

Why an Inductive Bible Study?
A Chinese proverb says "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."
My wish for you is for you to learn how to "fish" - how to study God's word in your own quiet time. In this way the Holy Spirit will be your teacher - He is a perfect teacher and I know you will grow in Christ.

As a testimony -
I grew up trying to be a "daily bible reader" out of sense of Southern Baptist Duty...not love for God's word, but because you could raise your hand in Sunday School if you were a daily bible reader. Just before I dozed off to sleep I would flip open the bible and try to read something to say I had at least read the bible that day. I would read the bible ONLY if i was involved a formal book study...but it still was "How much do I HAVE to read to get through this?" I thought people who liked to read the bible also liked to read fine print on contracts and the phone book for fun. (maybe you have been there or you are there today...there is much better way to live in Christ.)

Really not until 10 years ago did I learn how to study the bible. It was over a period of time, but God began to call me to read his word. I was not satisfied with my walk with Christ and knew that God's word had to be part of becoming His disciple. I asked
God in very simple prayers to understand the bible before I began to read each time. God answered those prayers and I received the Holy Spirit's guidance in understanding God's word. I didn't know it at the time, but John 16:8 “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth..." - it clearly says one of the main purposes of the Holy Spirit is to help us to understand the bible. My walk with Christ began to grow and I gained a sincere desire to learn more and a love for God's amazing bible.

You can't learn all the Bible in a single day...Pray asking for God's help and take small steps - His word will be come Fresh and Alive and Active. With God's help, the words will begin to almost leap off the page. By God's grace, you will become one of those "Jesus Freaks" who say..."I was reading this scripture the other day and WOW...God just showed me this!"

How do I begin?
First if you don't have a quiet time...Begin a quiet time today...God will honor your efforts.
Second - If you have a quiet time - Begin with PRAYER FIRST...then read smaller passages of the Bible, but study deeper.... ask questions.
For example:
What is the “big idea” of the passage?
Who is writing or speaking and to whom?

Click the link for a download of a PDF guide to the Inductive Bible Study Method.
Some people will ask every question and be very formal...while some will use 4-5 main questions to look at the text. Both are fine. The main point of the inductive method to bible study is to first seek God in prayer, read a small passage and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you God's word.

One word of caution - an attempt to find "hidden things" not present in the scripture is sometimes a fault of students using this bible study method. God's word is powerful as it is written ...just ask the questions and see what is written in God's word.

Also to add further depth to your study.... invest a few minutes to read the Book introduction and try studying the maps for the highlights will add a whole new element to bible study.

Call or email me if you have a question during the week.. I want to help you and see you grow in Christ.

In Him,


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