Monday, August 18, 2008

Solomon's Colonnade or Portico

This isn't the real place, but it is an ancient colonnade.

Imagine Jesus teaching here...when it talks about him teaching in the temple...this is most likely the setting.

Imagine what it sounded His voice echoed and carried in this magnificent setting.

In ACTS, the apostles continued on in the tradition Jesus had set forth...they gathered and taught in Solomon's Colonnade or Portico


jesse hurley said...

this really helps , you to image the setting, people sitting in the shade from the heat of the day,wanting to know what this man is talking about , edging in a little closer, his voice travels thru the colonnade , as he paces back and forth, being about his father business pretty cool huh

Ken and Paige Allender said...

Thanks "J"
I believe it helps to put immerse ourselves in the scripture...what did it sound like, what did it smell like, etc. It comes alive and real.
